Errors with yum on CentOS 7 when updating server packages Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was 14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:; Name or service not known" On July 1, 2024, CentOS 7 reached end of life, and the CentOS team has moved its repositories to the archive at Without updating […]
Category: Other
Update CURL to Latest version in CentOS
To update to the latest version of CURL running the CWP7 server, follow the steps below. First stop the future updates via yum/dnf package manager, if you skip this step then after each update of curl from the base repo you need to rebuild curl Centos 7 /EL7 : cat /etc/yum.conf |grep "^exclude="|grep kernel 1> […]
Disk Usage Check
If you have a full disk space usage on your server in most cases this is caused by backups or logs but it can be also many other things. We recommend running all these commands from the ssh console because on a big disk this can be very slow. List partitions and usage df -h […]
Account Suspended
If you are getting the account suspended message it can be for the following reasons: - Account was suspended by server admin or automated billing system. - Account HTTP/HTTPS is only suspended, this means the account monthly bandwidth limit was exceeded. Account Suspended fully If the account shows as suspended in the cwp.admin under the […]
How to install ElasticSearch
Introduction Elasticsearch is a platform for distributed search and analysis of data in real-time. Its popularity is due to its ease of use, powerful features, and scalability. Elasticsearch supports RESTful operations. This means that you can use HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) in combination with an HTTP URI (/collection/entry) to manipulate your data. […]
How to create CWP iso image
This info is for Server providers like Cloud, VPS or Dedicated servers to create fast image deployment servers with CWP. You need to be aware that each cwp version is valid for 6 months only, so you would need to update the image before that expire time. Creating CWP iso image is easy, here are […]
cPanel Compatibility
Access admin/user panel over the same port 2082 - CWP User Panel 2083 - CWP User Panel SSL 2086 - CWP Admin (same as 2030) 2087 - CWP Admin SSL (same as 2031) * Recommended to be used with the hostname because of the usage of the hostname SSL. Examples: Access […]
Install dotnet SDK and running a Project Example
Installation of dotnet on CWP server : First install .net package repo from official Microsoft site : rpm -Uvh To install dotnet SDK 2.2 yum install dotnet-sdk-2.2 -y To install dotnet SDK 3.1 LTS : yum install dotnet-sdk-3.1 -y you can check the main dotnet version by running this command : dotnet --version How […]
How to Install and Setup Node.Js on CWP
Node.jsĀ® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Step 1: Install Prerequisites: yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' -y Step 2: Install Yum Repository NodeJS 12.x: curl -sL | bash - NodeJS 11.x: curl -sL | bash - NodeJS 10.x: curl -sL | bash - NodeJS 8.x: curl -sL | […]
Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Conversion Tools
When working with a domain name containing international (non-ASCII) characters, you need to convert the domain name into "punycode" before adding it to the CWP,DNS or Web server. You can use this IDN Conversion Tools to convert your domain from special characters to a name in ASCII characters.
Custom Account Templates
Custom HTML templates for - suspended account template - create a new account template * We should use only HTML extension here. PHP will NOT work as these templates are also used to prevent high load issues as HTML will not cause a high load like PHP. Suspended Account Template To activate custom HTML templates […]
CWP Error Pages
Error Pages related to cwpsrv (panel access) only, this are not error pages for the websites! 502 Bad Gateway Mostly this means that php-fpm is down. To fix it run this command from the shell: sh /scripts/restart_cwpsrv You can also setup monitoring for cwp service to avoid any service being down.
Convert Addon Domain to Account
Make account from addon domain - Go to the addon domain list in cwm.admin and click on the Convert Addon Domain to Account - You will be redirected to Create a New Account page where you will be able to enter a username and other configs. Migration process will do the following: - remove addon […]
Configuration files
CWP Configuration files and locations cwpsrv (webserver) This is a web server for: cwp admin panel, cwp user panel, phpMyAdmin, roundcube Configuration files/folders: /usr/local/cwpsrv/conf/ and /usr/local/cwpsrv/conf.d/ Reload command: service cwpsrv reload cwp-phpfpm (php for cwpsrv) This is php of cwpsrv for: cwp admin panel, cwp user panel, phpMyAdmin, roundcube Configuration files/folders: /usr/local/cwp/php71/php.ini /usr/local/cwp/php71/php.d/ Reload command: […]
Torrent SeedBox with Deluge WebGUI
How to install Torrent SeedBox with Deluge WebGUI on CentOS WebPanel server. As everything else with CWP, this is a simple task which is done by click of the button. How to install Deluge Torrent client and WebGUI - In your CWP.admin left menu go to Plugins --> Torrent SeedBox. - Click on the install […]
Add additional IP address
How to add additional IP address on CentOS servers. Create file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 DEVICE="eth0:0" BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes TYPE="Ethernet" IPADDR= #HWADDR=00:0C:29:28:4C:4C #GATEWAY= NETMASK= do this for each additional IP address, you only need to increase virtual interface number by one for each additional IP. Like eg. eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3 ... **if you don't have HWADDR then delete that […]
High Memory Usage
Linux is borrowing unused memory for disk caching. This makes it looks like you are low on memory, but you are not! Everything is fine! How do I see how much free ram I really have? To see how much ram is free to use for your applications, run free -m and look at the […]
How to install CloudLinux on the CWP servers ?
How to install CloudLinux on the CentOS WebPanel [CWP] servers Instructions on how to install Cloud Linux CloudLinux Installer (you need to have a CloudLinux License) wget sh cldeploy -k YOUR-KEY cd /usr/local/src/ wget sh After CloudLinux installer is done it will automatically reboot the server!! After reboot you need to build […]
CWP Demo
You can always test the fully functional DEMO version of the admin and user panel on the following location
How to setup quota on the server ?
From the new version CentOS Web Panel has built in function to setup quota on your server. To enable quota on your server go to CWP.admin - in the Left Menu --> File Management --> Disk Quota Setup and click on the quota setup You can also setup quota manually, here are detailed instructions: […]