How to enable mod_suexec with Apache on CentOS WebPanel
This module allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user and group.

Don't enable this module if you don't need it as it will add additional execution time for your scripts. This module is recommend for servers having enabled cgi-script and which run multiple sites.

Since CWP Apache is already compiled with custom configured suexec module you only need to load it.
The best way for custom configuration is to use /usr/local/apache/conf.d/ files.
Changes in main configuration file /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf can break your changes on updates.

Create File: /usr/local/apache/conf.d/mod_suexec.conf

LoadModule suexec_module modules/

Now restart your apache and you are ready to go :)

service httpd restart

Please note that from version of Apache 2.4.26-2 CWP is running custom modified suexec to allow easier usage.

This info is for CWP Apache version 2.4.26-2 or later
